Waste Management to donate $5K to MSC with help of local residents

Federal Way residents can support the Multi-Service Center by signing up for one of Waste Management’s free services.

Help support Multi-Service Center by taking a few free and easy steps to simplify your garbage, recycling, and yard waste service with Waste Management.

Waste Management will donate $1 to Multi-Service Center for every Federal Way customer who signs up for any one of these free services: automatic pay, paperless billing, or by simply filling out your contact preferences.

Waste Management will donate up to $5,000 to Multi-Service Center.

“We are honored to be selected by Waste Management as the beneficiary of their match,” said Multi-Service Center CEO Robin Corak. “It’s a great way to help the environment and help your community at the same time.”

Visit Waste Management’s Federal Way Rollout page and choose one of the many contact options. Those who sign up for paperless billing will also receive an annual $5 credit from Waste Management.

Waste Management has a long tradition of supporting Multi-Service Center, both as an event sponsor, and by collecting donations during the mayor’s annual Month of Concern Food Drive for the Federal Way Food Bank.

Last year the collections at the curb topped six and half tons of donations.

About Multi-Service Center: Multi-Service Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency that offers people in South King County pathways out of poverty through support and resources in education, employment, housing, energy assistance, food, and clothing. We also provide statewide advocacy for elderly and disabled residents of long-term care facilities. More information can be found online at mschelps.org.