We the people can change things | Election letters

At the Oct. 9 debate, as I sat listening to the candidates, a few thoughts came to mind.

At the Oct. 9 debate, as I sat listening to the candidates, a few thoughts came to mind.

First, the mayor, Skip Priest, made a statement that the Performing Arts and Conference Center (PACC) will bring a revelation to downtown.

As I look around, I don’t see a downtown, just a mall.

Secondly, Priest has been dealing with the Federal Way City Council since 1992. So why the big rush to have a PACC, without the citizens having a say (meaning a vote). Oh yes, I forgot, it’s the 200 pillars of the community that count and not the 90,000 people who live here.

He said at the retreat that was in February: If the PACC went to a vote and was voted down, that would be the end.

Another thing: On Oct. 5, I was on the SW corner of 320th Street and Pacific Highway, waving signs with John Fairbanks, who is running for council position 4, and along came Trish Bennett, the mayor’s wife. I told her we were there first. She said rather rudely that we can share. I stood my ground with both John Fairbanks and Jim Ferrell signs.

We need new people and new ideas on this council. Being rude will get you nowhere.

Skip Priest should man up with the recent investigation (hostile vs. safe work environment) and step down.

As far as the downtown core, I think former council candidate Anthony Murrietta said it nicely: We live in a city that was designed without a master plan in mind, but grew up accidentally.

We the people have a chance to change things by voting for the people who will listen to all the citizens.

Please vote for Jim Ferrell, John Fairbanks, Kelly Maloney and Diana Noble-Gulliford.

Thanks for listening.

Norma Blanchard, Federal Way