Federal Way Mirror Female Athlete of the Week for Dec. 30: Sofia Adekoya

FWHS senior is team captain and has competed at the state gymnastics tournament twice.

Federal Way High School senior Sofia Adekoya, gymnastics, is the Federal Way Mirror Female Athlete of the Week for Dec. 30.

Q: What is your favorite subject/class in school?

A: Graphic Design.

Q: What hobbies do you enjoy outside of your sport?

A: Reading, gymnastics, watching movies and listening to music.

Q: Who is the person in your life that has helped you succeed the most?

A: My sister, Bella Adekoya.

Q: If you could have dinner with anyone (living or from the past), who would it be?

A: Alicia Keys because she makes me think of my childhood.

Q: Describe your pre-game ritual:

A: I make sure I spend time with my teammates, visualizing for my competition, and prepare my hair.

Q: Song you currently can’t stop listening to?

A: “Sure Thing” by Miguel.

From the sidelines: FWHS senior Sofia Adekoya has competed on the Eagles gymnastics team for three years. She is a two-time state competitor on beam and has competed at the top difficultly beam routine throughout her high school career. She is the senior captain and has brought the team together through her positive attitude, planning many team activities and events, and being a hardworking athlete every practice.