I survived Black History Month | Walter Backstrom

This is Feb. 28, the last day of Black History Month.

I always have conflicting emotions because of this. I am proud there is an acknowledgment of the accomplishments of African Americans. However, I am miffed that it happens during the shortest month of the year.

On March 1, we can go back to things as usual and forget all about Black History Month.

I am always under the impression that history is color blind. It is my belief that history is made up of actions by all different types of people who are black, white, brown, etc.

I want there to be a time when history books tell the truth — that the books we use to teach our children are not just full of stories about white people, but about all people.

These books should accurately reflect history: The actions, good and bad, of all people, irrespective of color.

What race should March recognize? The Hispanics? The Native Americans? Who?

If I were a different race, I would want to know: When are you guys going to show me some love?

Recently, the attorney general of the United States, Eric Holder, gave a speech and said when it comes to racial matters, America is a country of cowards.

I will assume if we had been a country full of people with courage, the white guy would have won.

It is my understanding that the chief law enforcement officer in the United States goes after the bad guys. But heck, since I’m a conservative, what do I know?

Mr. Holder, because you are the first black attorney general, working for the first black president, what does that say about this country?

Democrats and liberals always want us to have discussions about race and feelings. After we have our weekly discussion about race, then what do we do?

I have a suggestion. Let’s create a new department called “The Department of Feelings.” That department would be located right next to the labor department. We can get our stimulus check of $13, then meet with the new department to discuss how we feel about that $13.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather use that hour, when we are supposed to talk about race, and do something else.

I have another suggestion. Why not go volunteer in a neighborhood school and help a child read? Or go to a homeless shelter and help serve lunch?

I don’t know what the man upstairs would want us to do. But I guess he would probably want us to take some action — other than just navel-gazing.

Racism, unfortunately, does exist. So do slow drivers in the fast lane and people with bad breath. However, that should never stop you from doing the right thing. In the final analysis, those who practice racism always get what’s coming to them — even if we don’t see it. No excuses.