Lawn ornaments lead to bomb scare in Federal Way

A homeowner in the 2400 block of SW 307th Street discovered a "hockey puck" looking device inside their mailbox with a small LED light sticking out of the top.

Mirror staff reports:

An anonymous reader emailed this photo of the Federal Way Police Department investigating a potential bomb threat Friday morning.

A homeowner in the 2400 block of SW 307th Street discovered a “hockey puck” looking device inside their mailbox with a small LED light sticking out of the top, according to Federal Way police. Bomb technicians discovered more than one mailbox, with the flag up, contained the same suspicious item inside.

The bomb squad responded with a robot, which determined that the suspicious devices were small solar-powered lawn ornaments that someone placed inside the mailboxes. Whoever planted the devices put up the mailbox flags so that people would look inside, according to Federal Way police.

The FBI and postal inspectors were advised of the incident. Upon further investigation, Federal Way police learned that other homeowners had seen kids ripping up lawn ornaments in the neighborhood prior to the call about the suspicious devices in the mailboxes.