King County ramps up DUI enforcement

Between Aug. 12 and Sept. 6. extra DUI patrols will travel King County roadways in search of impaired drivers. The annual Drive Hammered, Get Nailed enforcement campaign has 178 agencies participating throughout the state, including Federal Way.

From staff reports:

Between Aug. 12 and Sept. 6. extra DUI patrols will travel King County roadways in search of impaired drivers. The annual Drive Hammered, Get Nailed enforcement campaign has 178 agencies participating throughout the state, including Federal Way.

During the summer months, Washington experiences the greatest number of alcohol or drug impaired driver-involved traffic deaths (31 percent of the total impaired driving deaths occurred during the summer months between 2000 and 2009). Labor Day weekend is one of Washington’s deadliest holidays, averaging more than seven deaths each year, according to the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Learn more at