Gates leads for SKFR commissioner; Miller leads for Lakehaven commissioner | ELECTION 2013

In the race for South King Fire and Rescue commissioner, incumbent Bill Gates is leading with about 57.1 percent of the vote (6,854) over challenger Jerry Galland, who has about 42.7 percent (5,123).

South King Fire and Rescue commissioner

In the race for South King Fire and Rescue commissioner, incumbent Bill Gates will win with about 57 percent of the vote (8,941 as of Thursday) over challenger Jerry Galland, who has about 43 percent (6,759). Gates was first elected in 2001 and re-elected in 2007. He has been board chairman the past four years. Galland, a resident of unincorporated King County, is an outspoken critic of the fire district.

Lakehaven Utility District commissioner

In the race for Lakehaven Utility District commissioner, incumbent Don Miller will win with about 55.7 percent of the vote (7,137 as of Thursday) against challenger Marie-Anne Harkness, who has 44 percent (5,631). Miller is a retired financial planner for Prudential insurance and a retired National Guardsman. He was first elected to the board in 1983. Harkness is a retired teacher-librarian and longtime community volunteer who was running her first election race.

Election results

Results will be updated daily on the King County Elections website, with final results posted Nov. 26.