
Federal Way: Why Not?

When I am with my national colleagues, I am often asked, “Why Federal Way?”

It’s not an unusual query. At some point, when making the decision to stay, grow, or move here, our business leaders also have considered the same question. Why Federal Way?

I say, why not?

Why not… strategically focus on developing the infrastructure needed to retain businesses as well as to attract software and information technology companies?

Why not… explore the growth possibilities for job creation in the life sciences industry?

Why not… expand and enhance opportunities for the already strong business base in professional services?

Why not… embrace our unique geographic location to attract supply chain and management support services for the logistics in the industries all around us?

Why not… create a culture of ideation that encourages and supports innovation across generations, across cultures, across industry segments.

Why not… recognize that we have all the natural assets to be the growth hub of not only the greater Federal Way area, but also the South Puget sound region.

Economic Reports like the new Priority Industry and Workforce Assessment of our regional footprint gives us the data we need to move past “Why?” and into “What’s next?”

The Greater Federal Way Chamber, working together with business leaders, partners, and other stakeholders, is working to facilitate a new strategy for “How?” Because, you know, why not?

For information on how to join the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce click here. You can also contact them by phone at 253-838-2605 or by email at info@fedwaychamber.com.

Suggested priority industries.

Suggested priority industries.

About the author

Rebecca Martin, CCE, is the President and CEO of the Greater Federal Way Chamber. A certified Chamber professional, she is one of only four percent of Chamber executives in the U.S. and Canada with the CCE designation from the National Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives and the only CEO is the State of Washington with the CCE certification.

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