Traffic islands are worth the money | Federal Way letters

I do not feel the traffic islands for the pedestrians is a waste of my money. I personally feel this is way past due for our community.

I do not feel the traffic islands for the pedestrians is a waste of my money. I personally feel this is way past due for our community.

I drive the 320th Street corridor, and I am amazed we don’t have more accidents from pedestrians trying to cross the streets on our dark and rainy nights. I feel the engineers have not chosen the locations right because I feel they need one at the 6th Street SW location. I have also witnessed several pedestrians crossing at the condos and the apartments just east of 21st Avenue SW. There is a lot of traffic at that location with vehicles crossing lanes in order to turn left on 21st Avenue SW. I realize the times are tough in this economy, but I am glad when things are being accomplished, and I am saddened with others’ comments that are unjust in my opinion.

Carole Reaney, Federal Way