Sen. Murray endures attacks by shady political group | Federal Way letters

The shadowy and misnamed Committee for Truth in Politics began airing pricey ads Aug. 23 on Seattle network outlets and cable TV. This secretive group was incorporated in the state of North Carolina two years ago and refuses to file paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission that would disclose the sources of its funding and its activities.

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) has squarely placed herself in the gunsights of this cloak-and-dagger outfit by being a co-sponsor of the DISCLOSE Act, which would let voters know who is funding campaign ads, and would also protect our nation from our elections being influenced by foreign groups that may be unfriendly to American democracy.

Murray has already been attacked by a $750,000 ad run by an equally secretive group, the American Action Network, a bunch of Republican big wheels and the sub rosa funding that they love. This outfit could even have been fronted by Osama bin Laden or the head of Iran, and we voters would never know.

The American Action Network ad was run in direct response to Murray’s co-sponsorship of the DISCLOSE bill that addresses the controversial Citizen’s United U.S. Supreme Court ruling, allowing corporations to spend freely on campaigns while the comparatively tiny campaign contributions of mere voters would be left in the dust. Also, when I, an individual, contribute to a campaign, I have to disclose who I am, who I work for, and I can only contribute a certain amount.

Corporations do not have the same restrictions, and that was the intention of the conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court when they deliberately took up the Citizens United case and chose to make the very special and political decision that they made.

Because of these attacks on my nation, I am very frightened for the future of democracy.

Karen Backman, Federal Way