Congressman’s voting record | Federal Way letters

I remember watching Jimmy Carter on "60 Minutes" when President Carter was running for re-election.

I remember watching Jimmy Carter on “60 Minutes” when President Carter was running for re-election. Carter stated that he intended to run on his record. The interviewer retorted: “Trouble is, everybody else is also running on your record.”

Congressman Adam Smith (D-District 9) is running away from his record. He calls himself an independent in his TV ads. I guess he doesn’t want us to know he is a Democrat. He claims to be a moderate, but the American Conservative Union gave him a rating of zero, and he received an almost perfect 95 percent rating from the very liberal Americans for Democratic Action. That’s moderate? His voting record for the last two years is actually more liberal than Seattle’s Jim McDermott.

Adam Smith does play (it’s only an act) the part well. He struggles with every vote, even sweating bullets as he agonizes over every bill. This is only for public consumption. He has never cast a conservative vote when it mattered. Oh, he will vote conservative, but only if his vote will not make any difference. He is playing us for fools.

We are not going to be fooled this time.

Paul R. Stone, Federal Way