Rants from the right | Federal Way letters

The right-wing conservative Republicans would be totally laughable if the hypocrisy was not so completely evident. Pat Gee’s “Get a grip” letter (Aug. 5) is a classic example. She seems to believe that it is wonderful that columnist Walter Backstrom is entitled to his weekly political opinion, but it is childish for anyone in a democracy to express a contrary opinion.

I am not sure that Backstrom’s column was childish. I just don’t know anyone who cares that Walter met Michael Steele. But I do think it is hilarious to picture two adult men telling each other how courageous they are. A pretty low threshold for courage!

The letter said we should get a grip, then get over it. But the very next line attacks two letter writers (who disagreed with Backstrom). To Pat Gee, only some Americans are entitled to express their opinion. And of course, she does not want to discuss the issues. She just sees anger and hate — the party of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter.

Her letter concludes with some tangled statement about freedom of speech and military service in past and present wars. Again, the party of deferment, Dick Cheney and all the neo-cons who never served or were too busy to serve — for that party to claim some special position with regard to freedom of speech.

Frank Gibbs, Kent