I support Mark Koppang for council | Letters

I am writing to support Mark Koppang for Federal Way’s City Council.

I am writing to support Mark Koppang for Federal Way’s City Council.

Mark has been dedicated to the improvement of Federal Way for more years than he really gets public credit for. Not only has he been a volunteer on a number of boards, he is also a visible volunteer with private organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and Kiwanis, just to name a couple.

I have seen him serving with a smile at the concessions stand at Memorial Stadium many times. This “friend of youth” all-volunteer Kiwanis organization not only hosts the yearly Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park, it runs concessions at Memorial Stadium solely to raise money to be given as scholarships for Federal Way students. Mark gives back in other ways too. He has logged countless hours at his church working with young adults and counseling engaged couples.

Mark also served on at least three Federal Way commissions: Parks and Recreation, Civil Service and Salary Review. These boards and commissions are very important entities that provide a method for the city to do its business. They were created by the city’s founders so that citizens’ input would be taken into consideration, and the voice of the people would be heard. This is simply a smart way of doing business. Mark knows this and has dedicated many volunteer hours of leadership for years to this vital process.

In terms of a vision for the future, Mark is an innovative leader who understands the value of a team approach. He sees the big picture and is dedicated to multifaceted solutions that take into consideration the needs of the entire city. He knows there is more to economic vitality than simply promoting one solution, and he is committed to seeing the downtown core developed in a way that improves the economic vitality of our city.

Mark has a vision for our city. He is engaged, approachable, honest and ethical. He has dedicated years to help make Federal Way a better place and is committed to doing so in the future.

Please vote for Mark Koppang for Federal Way City Council.

Len Englund, Federal Way