Column about gay Santa upsets reader | Letters

I like reading The Mirror. I am a paid subscriber. I don't always see eye to eye with everything I read, but I was extremely upset by the article "What if Santa Claus were gay?" printed in the Dec. 7 issue.

I like reading The Mirror. I am a paid subscriber. I don’t always see eye to eye with everything I read, but I was extremely upset by the article “What if Santa Claus were gay?” printed in the Dec. 7 issue.

Yeah, yeah, I get Ms. Johnson’s point, but why did she have to bring Santa Claus into it? The holidays are about family, friends and religion. I don’t see why we have to drag sexual orientation into the holidays. Santa Claus has been a friendly spirit of Christmas, beloved by children and adults. This article spoils the images we all have of Santa. Ms. Johnson would be better served finding a more appropriate platform for her lesson on acceptance.

M. Boutelle, Federal Way