Backstrom’s snarky little digs | Federal Way letters

In response to Walter Backstrom’s column titled “Why God and fathers matter” (April 11):

I like reading Mr. Backstrom’s columns. Most of the time he takes a common sense approach to subjects and he writes well. I also believe children deserve both parents.

Unfortunately, so many times Mr. Backstrom slides into these snarky little digs that are extremely annoying and tend to take away from his message.

He notes that he “chose life for my daughter.” How exactly did he do that? He never carried the child, never debated abortion. How exactly did he, as the father, choose life? That makes no sense.

This one was a laugh: “The idea of community or the common good are only for conservatives and do-gooders.” With his conservative Republican party so closely aligned with giving tax breaks to the wealthy and breaking up the few unions remaining that pay a living wage, it’s hard to place these same conservatives at food banks and shelters. However, I would be as myopic as Walter if I made that blanket statement. I know that people across all stripes, politically and economically, religious or not, help and volunteer.

Which leads me to my next point: “Embracing atheism is a recipe for disaster.” I’m not sure what neighborhood he lives in, but I still recall the PTA president in my son’s school. She was a great woman, wonderful family, loving mother, always volunteering, etc. I found out years later the entire family had no religion in their lives. Another atheist friend volunteers at St. Vincent every week. I happen to agree with Walter about having God in my life, but I also agree that I’m not put on Earth to judge. Sadly enough, there are plenty of murderers and thieves in prison who were raised steeped in religion. Each of us will have to answer for our own actions.

His comment that “In a society that embraces abortion on demand…” Again, where does this man live? No, this society does not embrace this. We just ask that a rape victim or the child who has been the subject of incest to have a choice. And finally, Walter notes that because he writes that children need fathers, etc., that this will be perceived by the “elites” (whomever they are) as the rantings of a “right-wing crazy.”

FYI: Many liberal Democrats, atheists, agnostics, etc., also believe in a strong family unit. This is not the sole province of the right-wing. On the other hand, shooting someone in the face and having the person apologize for being in your line of fire… I’m willing to cede that one exclusively to the right-wing crazies!

Jean Bolton, Federal Way