Parfumerie: Get a whiff of this Federal Way store | Business Buzz

A person’s scent preference can be quite complex when choosing a perfume or cologne.

At Federal Way’s Parfumerie, Brandon Baker, a six-year fragrance retail veteran, helps customers identify their preferences: Floral, citrus, sweet, woody, fresh, spicy or exotic. With the store’s vast selection, he recommends scents, which the customer can sniff test, using an in-store white card.

Sometimes customers visit Parfumerie in search of a specific fragrance they can’t find on regional retail shelves. It could be a new release, an all-time favorite or a forgotten classic. If it’s not in the store’s inventory, the Parfumerie can conduct a search for it. If a fragrance found and can be procured, the store can special order it for the customer, Baker said.

“Some perfumes can be a challenge to track, but we’ve done it,” he said.

Federal Way’s Parfumerie, located in The Commons mall, has more than 1,300 different kinds of fragrances. Store owners Sam and Jenny Pradhan have been growing their inventory and knowledge since opening the store 10 years ago. From floor to ceiling, shelves are filled with brightly packaged perfumes and colognes, ranging from some of the newest releases and popular fashion designer and celebrity scents to longtime favorites and classics.

Parfumerie’s extensive selection and expansive customer services are enhanced through a family network of eight similar independently owned Parfumerie stores, located in Washington and Chicago, Sam Pradhan said. This is an advantage when dealing with distributors and helps get product on the shelves quickly, he said.

The Pradhans also own a second Parfumerie store in the Tacoma Mall. To help busy people save time, both stores offer gift wrapping and mailing (anywhere in the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska) for a nominal fee.

For more information, call the Federal Way Parfumerie at (253) 946-0946.