Why I shop in Federal Way | People and Places

My father, Earl Madden, was the original gamer. It wasn't unusual,

My father, Earl Madden, was the original gamer. It wasn’t unusual, on a Sunday afternoon, to have a half-court basketball game in the vacant lot next door, a horseshoe game in the backyard, and a poker game in the dining room.

My grandmother, Agnes Flaherty, showed up in her blue chenille bathrobe swinging her rosary and looking for her teeth. She may not have known what day it was, but she sure did know how to play cards. It was a source of income for her, “Hail Mary” and “show me the money.”

Dad, the first “Gameboy,” organized a neighborhood baseball team for my brother, John Madden, and his friends. This was pre-Babe Ruth and Little League baseball. The Daly City Red Sox eventually became a part of the Daly City Police Youth Athletic League.

Dad, because he needed community support when planning field time at the local park and organizing a schedule, initiated the “pay where you play” rule. We were only allowed to shop in Daly City since a portion of the local sales tax comes back to you in the form of area services.

So, with this information, you’ll understand my personal celebration every time I walk by Game Stop in The Commons Mall or Target and see the poster or game display for MADDEN 16. This is my family and my dad was the best. He didn’t live long enough to see John win Super Bowl XI or be awarded numerous Emmys for excellence in sports broadcasting, or be inducted in the NFL Hall of Fame, but I think he knows. I can see him smiling. He’s probably playing poker in heaven with Al Davis.

So, what’s your point Madden? (I like to call myself Madden to honor my father.)

You would think that possibly my brother was the genetic recipient of all the Madden talent. Not so. I am a tremendously gifted shopper and pursuer of local services.

We buy our cars at Jet Chevrolet (Earl Madden was a Chevrolet mechanic, “Buy American”). I do all of my Christmas shopping at The Commons Mall. I’m a regular at Fred Meyer and Trader Joe’s. I took dancing lessons at the Federal Way Arthur Murray dance studio for two years, shout out to my instructor, Fong. My Dentist is Dr. Brett Wallen, a Decatur High School graduate and former high school state tennis champion.

I love the new ULTA across from the mall. It’s beauty heaven. I’m planning a chemical peel and fake eyelashes for my next event. Three Trees Yoga is my favorite with Janice Sack-Ory offering peace in a stressful time.

Federal Way is my home. It’s the place where I belong. My husband and I raised our daughters here. Both graduated from Decatur High School and the University of Washington, Seattle. My oldest daughter, Molly has earned an MBA from Seattle University. Both girls have successful careers. I think we made a good investment in Federal Way.

Changing topics rapidly: The Real Housewives of Federal Way roster is filling up. Our latest nominee is Sonya Freeman, wife of former State Rep., Roger Freeman. She walks quietly among us in grace and faith.

This lovely lady is raising two amazing children in loving kindness. Anyone wishing to add to this wonderful group of women can call or email me.

Contact Federal Way resident Judith Madden Magruder at judithmagruder@hotmail.com or 206-941-5977.