Washington state’s caucuses matter this time

By Angie Vogt, political commentary

By Angie Vogt, political commentary

Wow — what a ride this week has been in the national presidential race.

Did somebody say race? No, they said “gender!”

Which group has been more oppressed and deserves the entitlement of president? I haven’t decided yet, have you?

On the right side of things, the crazy uncle, Ron Paul, has emerged from the basement to maintain his steady support base of 4 percent while Mitt Romney and John McCain continue their slap fight for prominence state by state.

One simply has to develop a sense of humor, or it would be depressing.

If you haven’t heard, Ted and Caroline Kennedy are all in for Barack Obama. Of course, who better represents a new direction and “change” for our country than the Kennedys?

Now that’s what I call anti-establishment. The New York chapter president of NOW called Kennedy’s endorsement of Obama “the ultimate betrayal.”

Like a scorned lover, the chapter president railed against Ted Kennedy (no mention of Caroline, she’s a sister after all) for his abandonment.

Co-dependence is an ugly thing.

But there’s more! Hillary Clinton gives Obama a stinging rebuke by revealing in a debate that he has past ties with a noted “slumlord.” Gasp! To the Democrats who thrive on class warfare as their economic philosophy, this is just the kiss of death. A slumlord, no less! For shame! Oops, wait, a photo turns up with Bill and Hill in their Oval Office days, smiling and posing with the exact same slumlord. What are the chances of that?

Personal photos with the President and First Lady don’t come cheap. I wonder who got the higher contribution from the slumlord, President and Mrs. Clinton or Senator Obama back before he was a U.S. Senator. What do you think?

And on Thursday, Sen. Clinton tells ABC news in an interview that, yes, she can control her husband. Now that’s what I call a feminist! Working for 35 years to defend her lecherous husband by destroying the trail of women who have had the misfortune of falling for his charm and now having to answer for his embarrassing behavior once again. That naughty little boy needs her so. After all, he’s her ticket to the White House, hopefully for a second time. Mrs. Clinton is so much more liberated than those annoying Republican “Stepford wives” who have husbands making coffee for them in bed (President Bush always brings coffee to Laura in the morning).

But hey, wait a minute. I see President Bush and House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi smiling as they present a new “stimulus” package. So, what is a Democrat’s view of economic stimulus? Tax cuts! Wow, amazing! I guess when they want credit for turning something around they will adopt basic Republican economic principles, after all! Of course, they’ll throw around rhetoric of “targeted” tax cuts for “working families,” without mentioning that the bottom half of all wage earners only pay 3 percent of the federal income taxes in our country anyway. Remember, class warfare is their game —get as many people as you can to resent others that they perceive as “lucky” and “privileged” and “rich” and you’ve got a strong base.

I don’t have much to ridicule about the Republicans; their race wasn’t as compelling to me. But here’s the really great news for all voters. For the first time in a very long time, we can actually sway the nomination of our candidates through the upcoming Republican and Democratic caucuses on Feb. 9. Usually, by the time Washington voters weigh in, the nominees are a foregone conclusion, but in 2008, the choice for both sides is still very open.

Please contact your county Republican (www.kcgop.org) or Democratic Party (www.kcdems.net) and find out how to participate. This is fun, and such an opportunity likely won’t come back for a few terms.

Federal Way resident Angie Vogt can be reached at vogt.e@comcast.net.