Things the government can’t teach us

We as a nation are at a crossroads. No matter who wins this election, history will be made. We will be a better nation because of it.

We as a nation are at a crossroads. No matter who wins this election, history will be made. We will be a better nation because of it.

What type of America do we want, and who are we as a people? Do we want an America where everyone has to take a diversity class?

Several years ago I took one of those classes because I had to — and I resented every minute.

I resented it because I didn’t need a diversity consultant at $250 per hour to tell me how to respect other people.

During that class, I looked around the room and everyone, for the most part, appeared angry.

There were the usual suspects: Angry white males and angry black males, plus a few recent immigrants, some from Honduras, some from China. Those immigrants took lots of notes and appeared a little bewildered by this diversity stuff.

At the end of the class, everyone agreed it was worthwhile. I stood there in stunned silence, knowing that they were not quite telling the complete truth.

I wanted to just yell and say, “Let’s just bring in the Ten Commandments and call it a day” and end this charade.

Most people know and believe that these classes just highlight the differences. But they do make liberals feel good, and that’s what it’s all about, “feelings.”

Do we want an America where if you have kids, you can’t take them to the movies because all the movies have sex and violence and more sex and more violence?

Recently, the Academy Awards honored a rap group whose song title was “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp.” It was song of the year. They ought to be ashamed.

Did it ever occur to the Hollywood elite that the victims of those pimps were someone’s daughter, mother or sister? Probably not. I just want to take my daughter to see a G-rated movie, filled with fun, hope and wonderment for the kids. Alas, it is too much to hope for. I resent it.

I want an America that has a foreign policy that won’t give aid to those countries that shout “Death to America.”

I want an America that before we build a health clinic in Baghdad, we build one in Burien. I want an America that says before we save the children overseas, we save the children down the street. I want an America that doesn’t look to the almighty government for salvation, but looks to almighty God.

I want an America that works for the people — and not for corrupt politicians in both parties that have mortgaged our children’s future for 30 pieces of silver.

Government can do some good things, but it can’t teach a parent to love a child. Only God can.

I want a society that values life. All life: The born and the yet-to-be-born. I want a society that practices forgiveness, accepts diversity and most importantly, practices love. Government cannot teach us that. Only God can.

In this country, there is a majority, if you will, a silent majority who play by the rules, pay taxes and fear God. They feel marginalized, misused, misunderstood and left out.

They feel the government cares about everyone else, but are afraid to say anything because they know the “thought police” and the politically correct crowd are just waiting to voice their displeasure.

America is not so much a country as it is an experience, a place to dream, a place to hope and a place to love. No excuses.

Federal Way resident

Walter Backstrom: