Reeves had good ideas on school funding

I attended and moderated the 30th Legislative District town hall this weekend with representatives Kristine Reeves and Mike Pellicciotti at the Federal Way Senior Center in Auburn.

I was pleased to hear Rep. Reeves say that we have to fully fund K-12 education and that we can’t do it at the “expense of everything else.” I agree with her on that, if we want to fix our upside-down tax code in order to ensure great schools and to protect our thriving communities, we have to be open to new sources of revenue.

Reeves said that the way to fund education is through a mix of closing corporate tax loopholes — and looking closely at closing the capital gains tax loophole on the sales of stocks and bonds over $50,000 a year for a couple. I hope that she and others in Olympia come to agreement and fund education around these principles this year.

Paul Benz, Federal Way