Pro-life question raises others

Several weeks ago, I sent a letter to the editor saying some nice things about the Mirror. I also said that since I am 95 years old, I am no longer much interested in the column by Amy Johnson, “Sex in the Suburbs.” That is, until I saw the April 7 issue of the Mirror. I saw the column by Amy Johnson with the heading, “Are you really pro-life?” I thought, “Well, yes. I really don’t want to see anyone die.” Then I read the column and found that she was on the subject of abortion. She said that most abortions today are the result of unplanned pregnancies. I suppose that is true, but here is something I don’t understand: Today, abortions are legal, but the rate of abortion has not been this low since before Roe vs. Wade, when abortion was not legal (Associated Press, Nov. 23, 2016). It seems that more and more people do not want abortions.

Leo Thoennes, Federal Way