It has been one of the chief frustrations of my daily battle with the awful side effects of chemotherapy.
Now I’m starting to do all the healthful things I should have been doing all along. It won’t happen in a day, but I am on the road.
We’re beating each other over the heads with “alternate facts.” It’s the tolling of our death knell as a nation.
RE: Sound Transit facility slated for megachurch property in Federal Way.
I once heard an anecdote about a writer who’d spent a week in his apartment working on his novel, without…
Many longtime residents of Federal Way are still operating within its past perception of once being a bucolic modern bedroom community.
“I assure you that our future will be bright and secure in Federal Way.”
Call it the sweetness of life.
Our current culture wars are remnants of many grievances our nation has been trying to outgrow and manage.
Dad never finished the bomb shelter.
We are four months away from selecting our next president.
If you try to reason with people like that, that the conspiracy they are going on about isn’t real, you become part of the conspiracy and are trying to hoodwink them.
Day after day, you and I watch politicians stand before the cameras, lie shamelessly and get away with it —…
And sometimes the time bus feels driverless.
It will be about what does not perish when we do.
Let’s face reality — we are looking rough around the edges.
Life without hope draws nectar in a sieve, hope without an object cannot live.
On Memorial Day, we traditionally honor Americans in our military who gave their lives in battle for our country. It…
I had contrived to reach 62 years of age without the big event.
Ah, the Golden Rule.