First Quarter Humor | Inside Politics

Every year, politicians say the most incredible things. With the presidential race in full swing, "incredible" has been taken to a new level. There were also some notable local comments.

Every year, politicians say the most incredible things. With the presidential race in full swing, “incredible” has been taken to a new level. There were also some notable local comments.

Here are a few:

• Where was Sen. John McCain when fellow Senator Ted Cruz needed him? The “birther” issue surfaced again when Donald Trump challenged Cruz’s legal right to run for president due to Cruz being born in Canada (even though Cruz’s mother was born in Delaware). Because McCain had to answer that question when he ran for president, as he was born in what would become Panama, some thought he might step forward and defend Cruz. Not likely; McCain once referred to Cruz as a “wacko bird.”

• Democratic South Carolina state Rep. Mia McLeod found a perfect way to send a message to Republicans in the state’s General Assembly who want to restrict abortions: She introduced a bill to limit access to medication like Viagra and Cialis. They play rough in South Carolina.

• Puyallup is an idyllic community, home to our state fair, but apparently not everything is turning up daffodils. New Puyallup Mayor John Hopkins’ goal is to improve civility on the city council. Two new council members actually campaigned and won on that platform. Puyallup? Maybe more scones would help!

• “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot people and I wouldn’t lose voters,” said the ever-modest Donald Trump. Trump’s numbers have been slipping lately, however, so don’t go near Fifth Avenue if you’re a voter.

• Ted Cruz said he didn’t go to Washington DC to make friends. Well, he seems to have succeeded: Until recently, no Senate colleague had endorsed him.

• The City of Federal Way recently paid almost $100,000 for a used Steinway piano to grace the new Performing Arts and Events Center when it opens. Wow, what a steal! Meanwhile, they agreed to spend about $50,000 this year and the same next year to support a day shelter for the homeless. What does that say about the priorities at City Hall?

• A spokesperson for the city, in regards to the Mayor’s new initiative to close homeless camps, commented, “We’re giving them opportunities!” Makes you wonder how many of the 200-plus homeless people who may be displaced really feel like they’ve been given an “opportunity.” They’d probably prefer a tent. Or a Honey Bucket.

• Ted Cruz had to pull a television ad when it was discovered that an actress in the spot was a softcore porn star. Oops! I wonder who would be vetting his cabinet choices if he were president.

Finally, to quote one of the greatest philosophers of our time, Yogi Berra: “I really didn’t say everything I said.”

No politician could have said it better.

Federal Way resident Bob Roegner is the former mayor of Auburn. He can be reached at