Disappointed in marijuana vote | Letter

As a member of the pro-committee for marijuana-related businesses, I am saddened the voters chose to stay home or chose fear over what I consider good judgement.

As a member of the pro-committee for marijuana-related businesses, I am saddened the voters chose to stay home or chose fear over what I consider good judgement.

But those who choose not to vote, freely give their voices to others. In a democracy, what matters are the voices of those who do vote. In that debate, on both sides, we are good people wanting the best for our city. For whatever reason, our friends from the con-committee were able to be more convincing than we were. They have my respect.

Please join me in respecting the side in this debate that is not yours and in asking the City Council and mayor to respect the will of the voters now that they have spoken. In a few years from now, if we see some major changes in public opinion, we can have that conversation and vote again. Until then, the people have spoken.

Francois Ryf, Federal Way