Big city politics in Federal Way | Mirror editorial

When running for public office, the first goal is to win. But at what cost? Federal Way’s first mayoral election will get ugly — even uglier than the 2009 effort that divided voters over changing the city’s form of government.

With a running start that began last year, Federal Way City Council member Jim Ferrell officially kicks off his mayoral campaign April 20. City council member Michael Park announced his candidacy late last month. Names continue to surface before the June filing deadline.

The Ferrell campaign has taken an aggressive approach to shape public opinion about potential and actual challengers. This past winter, rumors circulated over a possible candidacy by Bob Roegner, a Mirror columnist and former Auburn mayor. Ferrell campaign supporters called and wrote letters, challenging the legitimacy of Roegner’s columns as well as his history in public office. Roegner has announced he would not run.

Last month, the campaign filed a complaint with the Public Disclosure Commission against Park over possible candidacy violations. Public records requests have been filed with the city by at least one known Ferrell supporter regarding Park’s travel expenses and more. The complaint is under review by the PDC.

This is not a scolding of Ferrell and his full-time campaign manager, but rather a reminder that at least one mayoral candidate is playing to win. Part of winning an election is making sure your opponent loses.

The examples involving Roegner and Park illustrate the campaign’s concern over competition — namely, attempts to spin public perception from the get-go.

Even if Ferrell’s campaign has no direct connection with his supporters’ letters and comments, a campaign can set the tone for discourse related to a particular election. It is one thing to criticize opposing candidates, but the line is drawn when emotion and name-calling overstep logic and fact.

In changing Federal Way’s government to include an elected mayor, Ferrell tapped and fueled populist outrage to achieve victory. No matter how honest his mayoral campaign, that sentiment will follow Ferrell, for better or worse.

The mayoral election represents Federal Way’s transition to big city politics. The key word is transition. Federal Way’s pond is still small enough to trace the waves and currents back to the big fish who make them. Candidates cannot control how their supporters act, but candidates can influence how their supporters react.

In this historic election, The Mirror urges candidates to minimize rhetorical pollution and keep Federal Way’s political pond clean.