Abortion: A matter of choice?

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, which is the largest abortion provider in America, said in 1939:

Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, which is the largest abortion provider in America, said in 1939:

“We should hire three of four colored ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful education approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Since Roe v. Wade, we’ve had 50 million abortions, including 13 million abortions of African American children. About 3,000 abortions are performed daily, and a majority of abortion clinics are located in black communities. These are approximate figures from the Centers for Disease Control.

The liberal pro-abortion crowd, along with its Madison Avenue slogans, has been very successful. They have come up with catchy slogans like “It’s my body” or “It’s between a woman and her doctor” or “It’s not really a baby.” Makes it easier to sell.

Biologically speaking, this is one dance where it takes “two to tango.” However, the male has no say, even though he may want the child. In Washington state, there are no limits on abortion. There is abortion on demand — if you are pregnant on Monday, you can have an abortion and you can still make it to the party on Saturday. No muss, no fuss.

What about the parents? If you are a teenager, the parents don’t have a right to know. So don’t worry about dad finding out.

I am curious, where is the outrage from the ministers? I guess those little Ten Commandments are just around to fill up some space behind the alter, not to be taken too serious. I believe 50 million deaths should be referred to as the “slaughter of the innocents.”

I will assume everyone reading this article is glad that they weren’t aborted.

If you don’t know by now, I am pro-life — and abortion is a tragedy. But what bothers me more is that if you stand up for rights of the unborn, you are labeled as some right-wing kook trying to take away a constitutional right.

To the surprise of many, the right to abortion is not in the U.S. Constitution. One of those 50 million lives that were lost could have been a person who found a cure for cancer, or could have been a poet, or could have helped alleviate poverty, or could have written a song that penetrated your heart and tested your soul. Sadly, we will never know.

Mother Teresa called America and its abortion industry part of the culture of death. I wonder why we can get all worked up about the spotted owl or orca whale, but when it comes to the unborn, we remain silent. Is it because we have decided that the unborn have no rights, or are they just nuisances?

I have anguish in writing this article. My emotion swings from anger to sadness. There is so much more we could do. I realize this is a moral dilemma for some, and for others, no big deal.

Why not make it easier to adopt a child, instead of having a couple who want to adopt go to China or Africa and then have to cross Mount Everest. Why not let parents know what is going on with their children? Why all the secrecy?

I will assume the liberals don’t want parents to know, but why? I believe we should increase transracial adoption, where a white couple adopts a black child. But they face opposition from the National Association of Black Social Workers, which called this practice cultural genocide. How hypocritical of them. I wonder how many kids they’ve adopted.

I guess it is better for a black child to go to 10, 20 or 30 foster homes.

I was taught, and still believe, that love is color blind. But heck, what do I know? I am just one of those conservatives who believes what Jesus said: “How you treat the lesser of thy brethren is how you treat me.”

No excuses.

Walter Backstrom is a Federal Way resident. Contact: wkbackstrom@aol.com.