Rise and shine, troops — it’s workout time

‘Boot camp’ recruits local women for early exercise


They rise each morning before dawn and roll out of the warmth of their slumber.

They don’t push the snooze button on their alarm clocks.

They bundle up in layers, open their front doors and step into the piercing-cold, moonlit outdoors.

These women are on a mission.

A group of local women meet at 5:30 weekday mornings at Todd Beamer High School for an intense, military-style workout. They have various goals such as losing weight, building strength and improving posture.

Puget Sound Adventure Boot Camp for Women has locations in Kent and Federal Way. The number of women who participate is continuously increasing.

The boot camp workout is effective partly because participants feel a sense of accountability to the team, said Boot Camp participant Michelle Tiegs, 28.

“I actually drag my butt out of bed at 4:50 in the morning,” Tiegs said. “You don’t want to stay in bed, you want to be here with your friends.”

The workouts consist of cardiovascular exercise and strength training. Participants bring their own dumbbells, elastic exercise bands and yoga mats.

There is no complicated choreography for participants to follow. The workouts are classic and simple. Push-ups and abdominal crunches are staples. Boot Camp participants are also counseled on nutrition.

Despite the lack of frills or trends, Boot Camp is working for the women who participate. Maribeth Steincipher, 47, said she went from a size 20 to a size 12 since she started the Boot Camp a year ago. And Kate Rimmer, 51, said she’s lost a total of 18 inches in the past 90 days.

“You feel better. You feel like you’ve accomplished things,” Rimmer said about getting up and attending the Boot Camp first thing in the morning. “I love the class.”

Contact Margo Horner: mhorner@fedwaymirror.com