Mr. Bobby says goodbye to Mirror Lake Elementary

Bobby Brown, known as Mr. Bobby, bid farewell to his friends at Mirror Lake Elementary. Today is the last day of school for students, and Bobby's last day in town.

Bobby Brown, known as Mr. Bobby, bid farewell to his friends at Mirror Lake Elementary. Today is the last day of school for students, and Bobby’s last day in town.

Mr. Bobby and his family leave tonight for a new home in Glenoma, a small town in Lewis County. On Wednesday morning, the school honored Mr. Bobby with an award for being the most outstanding volunteer and friend. Staff and students wanted Mr. Bobby to know that he will be missed.

All day and every day for five years, rain or shine, Mr. Bobby volunteered in the physical education department and as a crossing guard. He always went above and beyond, whether to tie a shoe or help a kid with a scraped knee.

“His hours are as long as mine, if not longer,” said teacher John Ottele, reminding the audience: “Guys, if you had fun in PE this year, it’s because of Mr. Bobby.”

Mr. Bobby, 38, came to the school to assist Pam Rasmussen, who teaches PE. Five years ago, Rasmussen was recovering from back surgery. Mr. Bobby volunteered to help set up and take down equipment — anything his new mentor needed. In addition to PE, he enjoys safety patrol.

The students liked him right away. He was a popular face in gym classes.

“He’s good at helping kids with conflict resolution,” Rasmussen said, noting Mr. Bobby’s comforting presence. She said he often worked with children who perhaps weren’t as skilled as the others. “Bobby was their partner and made them feel like the best person in the whole gym.”


Pictured: Bobby Brown and his main mentor Pam Rasmussen.


Pictured left to right: physical education teachers John Ottele and Pam Rasmussen, principal Maggie O’Sullivan, Bobby “Mr. Bobby” Brown and paraeducator Helen Rueb.