Donations sought for Thanksgiving meals

Multi-Service Center expects more than 1,300 people to take part next week in the annual Thanksgiving meal giveaway at the Federal Way Food Bank. The yearly tradition is one way that MSC tries to make the holidays special for the area’s neediest families.

Multi-Service Center expects more than 1,300 people to take part next week in the annual Thanksgiving meal giveaway at the Federal Way Food Bank. The yearly tradition is one way that MSC tries to make the holidays special for the area’s neediest families.

Regular customers of the food bank have received specific appointment times beginning Nov. 24 through Wednesday, Nov. 26, to cut down on lines during this week, usually the food bank’s busiest of the year. However, the food bank tries to accommodate all that come during this special three-day distribution.

Ingredients in the holiday meal include a variety of items such as frozen turkeys (or gift cards to purchase turkey or other meat products), potatoes, yams, onions, cranberries, olives, butter, dessert mixes, breads and more.

Donations of food or money can be dropped off 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the food bank warehouse, 1200 336th St., Federal Way. To learn more, call Terri Turner at (253) 838-6810.