Panto is Federal Way’s Christmas treat from Britain | Show runs through Dec. 22

Where would we be without British imports? No “American Idol” to discuss around the water cooler. No gut splitting laughter while watching “The Office.”

Where would we be without British imports? No “American Idol” to discuss around the water cooler. No gut splitting laughter while watching “The Office.” For those of us who grew up in the 1970s, no mind-altered memories of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show.” And then there’s the food and drink: fish and chips, Bass Ale, Cadbury chocolate, and tea with scones.

Did you know there’s yet another British import that’s become a Christmas tradition right here in Federal Way?

It’s called Panto, or more formally, British Pantomime. Here in America, we think of pantomime as the silent clown trying to feel his way out of a box. British panto is almost the opposite. The recipe calls for familiar fairy tales or children’s stories, some fantastic contemporary music and local references, mixed with audience participation. What you end up with is quite delicious — raucous, noisy entertainment that’s a blast for the entire family.

Its origins draw on 15th and 16th century traditions of traveling comedy troupes and, even 600 years later, it still maintains certain characters and conventions. Just a couple of those conventions are cross-dressing characters (think Benny Hill) and a comedy animal.

Of course this very British form of entertainment is best done by the British. This is where Paul Hendy fits in. Who, you may ask? Mr. Hendy is a celebrity well known in England for numerous productions, but especially for his pantomimes.

So, how does a Paul Hendy pantomime end up entertaining us over on the “other side of the pond?” Alan Bryce, artistic director of Centerstage Theatre, just happens to have been born in the United Kingdom. He began acting in British theatre right out of school and, fortunately for us, knows well the emotional and cultural history of British Pantomime.

Centerstage Theatre has helped start a local tradition by presenting a panto each Christmas for the past several years. This year it’s “Sleeping Beauty.” I attended recently, and it was quite a treat. If it doesn’t blow your socks off, your socks are way too tight! The children attending loved the audience participation and the actors participation with the audience. As one of the grownups (well, chronologically anyway), I really enjoyed the immense creativity that was evident throughout. There’s still time to start a new tradition, with this very old form of live entertainment, with your friends and loved ones. We’re very lucky to be able to enjoy a classic British Panto right here in Federal Way.

If you go: Show runs through Dec. 22

“Sleeping Beauty” runs through Dec. 22 at Knutzen Family Theatre, 3200 SW Dash Point Road. Ticket prices are $25 for adults, $20 for seniors, military and college, and $10 for youth. Information: (253) 661-1444 or visit