Why I am voting ‘yes’ for South King Fire bond | Letter

I want what’s best for our city. I want it to thrive. And part of a thriving city is a network and infrastructure that cares well for those who are in need.

I want what’s best for our city. I want it to thrive. And part of a thriving city is a network and infrastructure that cares well for those who are in need.

For years, I have watched as our city has rallied to meet the needs that are present here. We have strengthened our school district through Americorps and Communities in Schools, resourced and strengthened low-income families through the Multi-Service Center and FUSION, worked to revitalize our downtown core to attract jobs and seen our police department receive the highest national accreditation.

And through it all South King Fire has been present for every car accident, cardiac arrest, house fire and medical emergency. We have been able to grow as a city because of their quiet presence, keeping us safe.

Now it is time for our city to acknowledge the critical role the fire district plays in the development of our community and our quality of life. This bond will allow our fire service to upgrade critical equipment, provide a safe work environment for firefighters and respond to our citizenry when they are in need. And it will cost the average homeowner $3.33 per month — less than most of us pay for a cup of coffee.

A healthy city requires a well-trained and well-equipped group of first responders. I cannot imagine how any well intentioned, civic minded individual would even consider not supporting our fire department and this bond. I am voting “yes” because it makes good economic sense, it makes good “civic” sense and it positions our city for the future.

Jon McIntosh, Federal Way