Who will feed the children? | Federal Way letters

I feel compelled to respond to a letter to The Mirror (“Cuts n’ spending in Washington state,” Nov. 10). I appreciate that the letter writer, Pat Gee of Federal Way, wants to cut spending, but food for hungry children?

Pat said “…so many children whose parents should be responsible for the welfare of their children, not the government.” Some parents, possibly due to neglect or abuse as children, are not able to meet the challenges of being a parent. How did you grow up? Were you ever hungry, cold, abused or neglected? If not, you’re lucky and should count your blessings. If yes, then you should empathize and show compassion. Do you want to punish an innocent child for the shortcomings of the parent? What’s happening?

If we don’t care about our children, why should they care about us (our community)? They grow up hearing, or reading, opinions like yours and so many others, people so worried about what someone else is getting. There are programs to help seniors with heating bills, food and even your property taxes. Would you like those eliminated?

Most of us live in relative luxury compared to billions around the world. We shower in fresh drinking water for crying out loud. Imagine how petty we must sound to people in true need. You have to pay property taxes? Guess what? That means you have property. That’s a first-world problem. WWJD? He would feed the children.

Stephen Flavin, Federal Way