Unincorporated King County needs Ferrell | Federal Way letters

Why I believe Skip Priest is running for mayor, by the numbers.

As state representative:

• Salary: $42,000

• Commute: 40 miles

• Retirement: Fully vested

• Authority: 1 voice in 98

As mayor:

• Salary: $109k

• Commute: 1 mile

• Retirement: Another check

• Authority: Executive

Occupation: Career politician.

With these kind of increases, why would anyone not change jobs? Especially in a legislative climate where incumbents were targeted for removal from office.

Skip Priest is making a very good decision — for him. But is it right for Federal Way?

Those who know me, you are absolutely right. I cannot vote for the mayor of Federal Way. However, I, and over 20,000 people east of the freeway, have a vested interest in who will lead the city. In 2007, the residents voted 66 percent “no” to be annexed into the city. And at some time on the future, I will need to deal with your mayor.

Should annexation occur, the city would grow by an estimated 20 percent, but revenues would not raise, causing potentially severe undue burden to the residents of Federal Way.

The two candidates, when asked, have a very different view on how to respect that vote. Jim Ferrell says that he heard the people and a very large number of those residents must come forward before he would consider annexation again. He respects the vote of the people and will not be broaching the issue any time soon.

Skip Priest, however, answered that while he understood the vote, he may pursue contracting city police into our area. This is a backdoor method of integrating the unincorporated area and making us more dependent on the city. Eventually greasing the wheels for a smooth forced annexation by executive authority, or a vote.

Whether it is flip-flop on hiring a city administrator, jumping from the campaign opposing an elected mayor to a finalist in that race, or undermining the will of the people (in an area he presently has no jurisdiction), Skip Priest has not shown the real leadership qualities needed to lead the city.

Jim Ferrell has taken serious, solid and consistent positions on every single issue asked of him. This has been his character from the first mention of a strong mayor. He has the ability and fortitude to make these changes occur and will serve the city well. Jim Ferrell is committed to making Federal Way the best it can be and has a track record of making decisions based on the good of the community, not the direction of the wind.

When the time comes, I would prefer to deal with a mayor that takes time to consider his position before he speaks and integrity to stand by his decisions.

When you vote, make it for Jim Ferrell.

Jerry Galland, unincorporated King County