This is why I like Flygare | Letters

Roger Flygare is first of all a husband, parent, and small business owner. Roger, a Washington Certified Court Reporter, employs court reporters and other legal services employees.

Roger Flygare is first of all a husband, parent, and small business owner. Roger, a Washington Certified Court Reporter, employs court reporters and other legal services employees.

When his country called, he answered. He’s a decorated Vietnam veteran who served in Vietnam. He chose to continue his service as a court reporter. At different times, he was elected as the president of both of his statewide professional organizations. He has successfully worked with members of the state Legislature on a number of issues. He has clearly shown his ability to work across party lines to make a difference. Now he is asking for your support to work within the legislative process.

He wants to expand educational opportunities for all of us. He believes that only a healthy community can raise healthy children. He believes that equal opportunity enhances everyone. He supports expanded public transportation including light rail to improve everyone’s opportunities.

He will be a strong advocate for fundamental fair change in state funding of all parts of public education. He feels that full funding is the only way Washington will be a full participant in the 21st century’s new technology.

Walter Brooks, Federal Way