Strong mayor, accountability and a small correction | Federal Way letters

In the Aug. 22 edition of The Mirror, Barbara Reid (spokesperson for the group opposing ACT, Accountability Comes to Town) accused me of lying when I attributed a quote to her. “The words,” she said, “didn’t come from me,” and mentions comments “I have never uttered.”

She checked with a Tribune reporter to support her claims. The News Tribune reporter “…denied that such drivel had been written by him or actually printed in his newspaper.”

I must, therefore, provide a copy of Ms. Reid’s article in the Dec. 16, 2007, News Tribune to The Mirror. The question in the lengthy article was whether or not the citizens should get to vote on the issue of electing a strong mayor. Reid: “What that means, essentially, is that a person who dropped out of school in the sixth grade, who has never supervised or managed any employes (sic) and might not even be able to balance a checkbook could become mayor and the chief executive if he or she is popular enough and become the chief executive officer of the city. Popularity trumps qualifications in this scenario.”

In her closing sentence in her recent letter, Ms. Reid requests help from the readers. Ms. Reid: “When you find a scintilla of truth to any of her smear tactics or allegations, please let me know.”

I hope the above information suffices.

Accountability has come to town and Barbara Reid just opened the door even wider for it.

Fellow citizens, please vote yes for change, a strong mayor and the truth, for a change.

Clara McArthur, Federal Way