Skip Priest and the Firearms Lawyer | Federal Way letters

I really hate to write letters, and would normally never write a letter to the editor.

However, I just cannot pass on relaying my total irritation with the “Entitlement in the Mayor Race” piece badly mangled by Mark Knapp. That meandering, rambling “piece” could not possibly be mistaken for journalism, by any stretch of the imagination.

First: Why would Mark ask Skip Priest what he thought of his article in the first place? Is he so insecure that he needed validation? If he asked, he should have been prepared for the answer…positive, or not. He obviously thinks it’s OK for him to make negative statements. Why can’t someone else say what they think without retaliation? If you don’t want to hear the answer, don’t ask the question. Is that a “duh,” or what!?!

Second: What on Earth could Mike Royko (I hope Mark doesn’t fancy himself on a level with Mike Royko, by the way) or Mayor Daley have to do with Skip Priest?

Now that I’ve gotten my feelings out about that ridiculous article, I may as well go on with my thoughts on the mayor’s race.

If one were going to hire a CEO for a troubled company in troubled times and received two resumes of differently capable persons, whom would one hire? If one resume displayed someone experienced, solid within the community, gets along extremely well with others and knows how to create harmony and build on it…while the other feels that they can jump in and display the same knowledge, capabilities, stature and success as the other… but, without the experience or stats to prove it — which one would you hire?

My vote would go to the one who has experience, proven success in working across all aisles, has given time and effort for several years in the public service arena with huge, undeniable successes. There doesn’t even seem to be a choice, does there?

If you’re looking to build a “stable” business, you look to hire someone young and ambitious, with creditable education, and, with a passion to succeed…then you groom them into your business philosophies for the long haul. But, if the business is struggling and facing troubled times, you look beyond the younger, less experienced hopefuls. You need a race winner…one who’s been there, done that, and never fails to succeed. It can be time for the young, ambitious one when things are stabilized by the experienced one.

Please vote for Skip Priest and give his experience and state-wide political strengths the chance to strengthen Federal Way. Skip can see the big picture and accomplish what needs to be done. Skip has continually tried to run a positive race, in spite of those who continually try to create the opposite.

Oh…and, leave Mike Royko and Mayor Daley in Chicago where they belong. Geez!

Jo Kiser, Federal Way