Schools: Can I get my money’s worth? | Federal Way letters

I don’t have any kids in the Federal Way school system. That must mean that I don’t have an ax to grind. Or does it?

I recently received my property tax statement. I see that a hefty portion of that tax goes to the school system. So if I pay for it, I must own it. And if I own it, I could ask, “Did I get my money’s worth?”

Mark Knapp had an interesting column in The Mirror (“Charter schools vs. the gorilla,” Feb. 19). I urge you to read it. Knapp pointed out that there is a large achievement gap between Hispanic and African American students and Asian and non-minority students in math and science. He said that nearly 80 percent of Hispanics and African American students fall below Washington state standards.

Knapp also pointed out that at the Federal Way Public Academy (FWPA), this achievement gap does not exist. That tells me that it is not the fault of the students.

Somehow, I have the sneaking feeling that I am not getting my money’s worth.

Leo J. Thoennes, Federal Way