Say yes to a strong mayor | Federal Way letters

In response to the Aug. 26 letter from Federal Way Works (FWW):

FWW statement 1: Strong mayor will be the chief executive and administrative officer for the city, yet no qualifications training or experience are required.

Question 1: What qualification training or experience is required to be seated on city council?

FWW statement 2: Costs will increase.

Question 2: How much money was wasted on study of off-ramp (I-5) at Steel Lake before it was scrapped? How much money is being spent to keep the Community Center afloat, since no one thought about bus service or easy access?

FWW statement 3: Special interest money influencing our local decisions.

Question 3: Lets see, arts center is not a special interest? Especially since a husband of one of the city council members spoke as to how badly the city needs one. And in this economy?

FWW statement 4: Elected mayor can be removed with a costly recall, city manager can be removed immediately by council vote.

Question 4: How are the city council removed if they are deemed ineffective?

FWW statement 5: Creating all-powerful strong mayor thwarts the principle of by the people for the people.

Question 5: At least we the people of Federal Way would have a say in who runs our city. Not like with former city manager Neal Beets — that didn’t turn out so good either, did it? How much did that cost the city?

Norma Blanchard, Federal Way