Right-leaning response to a left-leaning letter | Federal Way, March 7

In response to Jerry Vaughn’s March 4 letter to The Mirror, I hardly know where to begin. His comments are typical liberal ideas and beliefs.

While President Bush was in office, helping the country recover from 9/11, we had low unemployment, a strong economy. The liberal Dems in Congress attacked the president every step of the way. This banking and mortage mess we are in was created by liberal Barney Frank in Congress along with Chris Dodd to pressure Fanny Mae and other lenders to allow loans to people who could not afford them, just because they thought everyone deserves a home (no matter if they could afford one or not).

Mr. Vaughn needs to do more than listen to CNN, MSNBC, ABC or CBS before coming to conclusions about the mess our country is in and how we got there. By the way, Mr.Vaughn, I was not whining about not getting anything from President Obama. I just don’t think it’s fair for the majority of taxpayers who pay their taxes to now have to bail out the folks who abused the system. By the way, how long will the liberal Dems be blaming President Bush for the current mess we are in? I would like to be having this discussion with you in a few years, after all your taxes have gone up, and up and up, and see if you still support a socialist form of government.

The hate you displayed in your comments for business and successful business people is interesting, but remember, that’s who employs most Americans, creates new businesses and keeps our country the envy of the world.

Ron Petitte, Federal Way