Rewarding our children for hard work | Federal Way letter

Rewarding hard work

I am writing in response to the letter written in the June 13 edition of The Mirror, “Is this a graduation or a costume party?”

First of all, are you kidding me? This article is correct in stating that the children that have not met the required credits to be a senior should not be rewarded by walking with the others who have worked very hard to get to that special place. I truly hope that others were as agitated with this article as I am. To know that our Federal Way School District administration has made the decision to make this allowable for all students is absolutely ridiculous. And they are supposed to be setting examples? This is definitely not one of their shining moments.

Come on now, administrators, don’t you remember your big day and how much it meant to you knowing that after all your hard work for 12-plus years, you were finally receiving that diploma that you had been working for? And yes, for the parents who are allowing their child to walk this walk when they haven’t earned it, what is up with them? Your child by this age knows the difference between right and wrong — what about you? The message you’re sending at an important time in their life is still critical. You are still the parent and should have long ago had this talk with them about their reward of graduation. If they don’t do the work they don’t get the payoff, the party, the fun and the glory.

Please change this policy for the years to come.

Allison Vossler, Federal Way