Questions for local candidates | Federal Way letters

In my opinion, we have another crop full of candidates spewing political pap in an effort to get elected. They speak, write and say nothing, symbolism and no substance; pander to the uneducated, unaware, and the people too busy working to conduct a proper vetting; aaahhh, the perfect prescription for getting elected!

So let’s quit asking the greeting card questions and find out who our candidates really are. Do they have the guts to answer these questions in the Federal Way Mirror before their elections for all to see?

What U.S. Constitutional right(s) are you willing to die for? What U.S. Constitutional right(s) should the people not have? What does the Bill of Rights mean to you? What does the declaration of independence mean to you? How do you define the following: “Liberty,” “tyranny,” “government oppression,” “shall” and “infringe?” Should English be the official Washington state language? Should English be the official language of the United States? Given a choice between liberty and safety, which would you choose? In order of precedence, how would you advocate: The people, the U.S. Constitution, the government? Do you think that Washington state and Federal Way elected officials should rid our city, schools, hospitals, etc. of illegal aliens, stop and reverse the encroachment of government into the lives of our citizens under the guise of “safety” (e.g. get rid of photo-cop and surveillance cameras), stop government from competing with the private sector, stop passing laws that limit the freedoms of law abiding citizens to try and control criminals; e.g. leaving a car running unattended?

What guiding principles will you use to determine whether a law should be created?

Do you think it’s morally right to confiscate the wealth of citizens in the form of taxes, and then redistribute that wealth to other people in any form? Do you believe that certain people earn too much money? If you have a religion, will you create laws and vote in accordance with your religion or in accordance to what the people want?

Do you think that the poor decisions on the part of irresponsible people constitute an obligation on the part of responsible citizens to save the irresponsible from the consequences of their poor decisions?

Finally, will you perform your elected duties and obligations in accordance with the answers that you gave to these questions?

The people await your answers.

Frank Comito, Federal Way