Possible alternatives to Twin Lakes proposal | Federal Way letters

If the we don’t vote yes for the amenities program in the Twin Lakes community:

1. We will lose our second best asset, the Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club. Our best asset is our people and our homes (our investment).

2. Federal Way will consider applications for single-occupancy homes and/or multiple-occupancy buildings (condos and/or apartments). The golf course land is already zoned for single-family homes and some townhouses up to two stories.

3. We will lose our junior programs: Junior golf, swim team and swim lessons, Decatur High School golf team and summer employment of high school students.

4. Incur an increase in school levy. This is a permanent increase in taxes. The amenities assessment is temporary.

5. Lose a major small business: Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club, its 55 employees and $3 million in annual revenue, its $40,000 annual support of the Decatur golf team and charitable organizations, property taxes of $86,000 in 2009, and $150,000 in other taxes.

6. If the golf course land is sold or closes, it will take a few years to settle, the golf course will become unsightly, a playground and haven for roaming young people. Further, as the land becomes overgrown, wild animals may find this a haven also, endangering domestic pets or small children.

Lloyd Gibson, Twin Lakes