Political columnist was unfair to state rep. | Letters

By referring to State Representative-elect Roger Freeman as “naive,” was he indicating that he is unsophisticated or innocent, such as a young child? Mistaking kindness for weakness is the endeavor of fools.

If your columnist (“Roegner’s end-of-year awards”) is a journalist, perhaps he should define his terms.

By referring to State Representative-elect Roger Freeman as “naive,” was he indicating that he is unsophisticated or innocent, such as a young child? Mistaking kindness for weakness is the endeavor of fools.

Roger Freeman is a savvy attorney with an impeccable reputation and a rather large following as witnessed by his overwhelming victory in the recent election. Hopeful voters in the 30th District took the time to research their candidates and vote for the “best” possible representative.

For this reason, I think it’s important to value the integrity and dignity of this man. To demean him is a comment on the intelligence of the voters.

I’m wondering if Roegner thinks he’s funny or clever? I’m not laughing. I just think he’s rude.

Judith Madden Magruder, Twin Lakes