Pedestrian islands waste city’s money | Federal Way letters

I don’t know who made the decision to install so many pedestrian crossing “islands” all over our city, but if I were one of the powers that be, I’d find the people responsible so that I could fire them!

I don’t know who made the decision to install so many pedestrian crossing “islands” all over our city, but if I were one of the powers that be, I’d find the people responsible so that I could fire them! I am all for making Federal Way a pedestrian friendly city, but come on, enough is enough.

First, times are tight for Federal Way, so do we really need to spend our tax dollars this way? I can think of much worthier causes than flashing lights and concrete curbs placed in the middle of our busiest east-west corridors. Not to mention wasting more money to reinstall them when these islands get taken out, as the one across from the Federal Way 320th Library has been.

Secondly, have we grown so lazy as a city that we cannot walk the extra 50 yards or so to get to a corner with a real crosswalk and stoplight, which are designed for the ease and safety of getting to the other side of the street? There are two of these “islands” being installed on 320th Street within throwing distance from each other. A bit redundant, perhaps?

Third, traffic on these congested thouroughfares is slow to begin with. Adding another reason to stop only bogs down the commute even more.

Fourth, don’t get me started on the so-called safety of these “islands.” I have seen more near misses, and even witnessed a collison that occurred at one of the first installations of an island. It doesn’t take a psychic to predict that someone is going to be seriously injured at one of these sites. It is unfortunate, but not all drivers pay attention to the flashing lights at these spots, especially in the pouring rain.

As a taxpayer, I am really ticked that my hard earned dollars are being spent on these devices.

Mary Paterson, Federal Way