Arguments over abortion

Arguments over abortion

I read with interest guest columnist Karen Backman’s article in the Aug. 23 Federal Way Mirror on abortion.

I too am from your generation and was raised with the “I am woman hear me roar” mantra. Never was I urged to stay barefoot and pregnant as you say in your article, nor have I raised my children that way. I have taught my daughter to respect her body, her rights and the rights of all humans be they 5, 50 or 90 years old — or, yes, even in the womb.

I told her that just because it’s in her body and she can’t see it, that little human has the right to live and love and choose like she does so respect that. I never have quite grasped why such educated people can believe it’s a baby when it emerges from the womb, but as long as it stays hidden within our bodies, it’s ours to rule over, whether with drugs, alcohol or yes, even a scalpel. I am not sure what has caused such a radical blown-out-of-proportion mindset that is reflected in Backman’s article. Some of us are college educated women with careers that have successful lives “outside the kitchen.”

That was a bit insulting, Ms. Backman. As a woman who has all the rights of this country and all the education and success I could ever want, I believe that I have the responsibility to defend the rights of all humans, whether they be able to speak for themselves or not. Who needs defending more than the vulnerable unborn? Ms. Backman, there are women throughout the world who will defend the right to live for all humans no matter their state in life. And as you say in your article, “Deal with it.”

Sue Callahan


article makes reader sick

I am a resident of the city and a teacher in Federal Way.

I usually enjoy going to get the paper on Saturday afternoon — but I found your choice of front page news absolutely immoral and disgusting.

This Aug. 23 article has reference after reference to exotic dancing, sexual arousal and strip clubs. For crying out loud, kids read this paper; parents leave it lying around. This country has enough immorality without the help of our friendly local community newspaper actively promoting it. Shame on you!

If your intention in our community is to promote sexual immorality, then you don’t belong in the newspaper business.

The Olympics has been fantastic, school is about to begin, and a presidential election is upon us. The best you can do is “Strip off weight with pole dancing.” If this is what your paper has become, not only will I boycott it, but I will tell my friends and parents of my students to do the same. You make me sick!

Debbie Koch

Federal Way