Letters: Cutting down trees in Federal Way

I’d like to mention myself

I read your article on the 5K Run/Walk held at the Federal Way Community Center on July 4. It included the names and ages of participants that were the leaders in the age divisions. I believe I was the only male over age 80 who participated and finished the race. My time was 46 minutes. I guess I didn’t qualify for mention because I had no competition in that category. But, if you don’t mind, I’d just like to mention myself, otherwise my friends may never believe me.

Charles Hone, Federal Way

Once the trees are cut

Citizens of Federal Way, where are you? Thousands of trees have recently been removed from the former Weyerhaeuser Corporate Park for the construction of two warehouses estimate to put hundreds of trucks on our congested roads and highways. And you are silent. You were there five years ago when a fish processing warehouse was proposed and when understory trees were removed along Weyerhaeuser Way.

And thousands of more trees are planned to be cut for three additional warehouses. Once the trees are cut … they are gone forever. Isn’t it now time again to rally our politicians to follow the intent of the law establishing a special Corporate Park zoning permitting unique development while preserving the natural features of the property? Not only to continue public access that we enjoy though forest and meadow trails, but to protect our limited natural urban environments and all their attributes … for us and future citizens.

Richard Pierson, Federal Way

Transgender athletes

I could use help understanding the controversy about transgender athletes. The collective brain power in state legislatures is unhelpful by complicating things with various rules. Some states have banned transgender athletes from competing. It made me wonder about the exclusion of handicapped children from competing in state sanctioned tourneys (maybe that needs to change).

Some states require the athlete to initiate gender transition therapy, which is like putting a restrictor plate in a race car, except we are talking about children being injected with performance disabling drugs. How does that make sense to anyone? I’ve also heard the notion of uni-sex sports, but that would eliminate 50% of all state championship medals and records. That hardly seems fair. With regard to transgender boys, I have no doubt many will compete well. However, when it comes to violent contact sports, I fear the best in one school might be at risk for horrific physical injuries competing against the best at another, but maybe that’s always been a risk.

Why is it that the doctor who must clear a child for competitive sports cannot simply attest that the child should compete as an anatomical male or female? This seems like a simple way to remove gender identity as the governing factor over which category of competition will be open to a child. This is about youth sports and has nothing to do with limiting people from holding positions in the military, police, fire departments, etc. Some may see a grey area when it comes to team sports, but my common sense says a team at its core is a collection of talented individuals; so would that not translate to higher competitive ability in a team environment as well? Help me understand.

Hiroshi Eto, Federal Way