Join me in supporting Kochmar for state rep. | Letters

As an independent and longtime Federal Way resident, I have decided to work for the candidacy of Linda Kochmar for 30th District state representative, position one.

As an independent and longtime Federal Way resident, I have decided to work for the candidacy of Linda Kochmar for 30th District state representative, position one.

For many years, I have watched Linda work tirelessly as a city councilwoman, deputy mayor and mayor on behalf of the citizens of Federal Way. Through her many committee appointments, she has worked with many legislators, mayors and other elected officials. I was please to see that many of these individuals have chosen to support her.

Linda listens respectfully to those of us who have differing opinions. She learned to work well with others in order to get the job done. In Federal Way, this cooperative spirit led to the building of a City Hall that met the needs of the citizens and yet is fully paid for.

We need legislators in Olympia who can work together to get the job done on behalf of our state. Please join with me in supporting Linda Kochmar for the state House of Representatives.

Bobbie Bronson, Federal Way