Investment tip for education success | Federal Way letters

Thank you for your June 1 editorial calling on everyone in Federal Way to work toward making our public schools among the best in the country. With the budget cuts our district is facing, it’s going to take a huge effort to bridge that gap and start making progress, but we can do it.

Thank you for your June 1 editorial calling on everyone in Federal Way to work toward making our public schools among the best in the country. With the budget cuts our district is facing, it’s going to take a huge effort to bridge that gap and start making progress, but we can do it.

I’m a parent to a first-grader at Camelot Elementary and have been involved with our PTA for the past two years. We, as parents, are in the perfect position to help make our schools great. I want to encourage every parent to find a way to help your child’s school, whether it’s getting in touch with your PTA to find out where there’s a need, asking if you can help in the classroom, or just attending an event or two throughout the year to learn more.

It’s a well-researched and proven fact that kids who see their parents valuing their schools and education enough to give a little time will follow suit and care more about their own education.

What an amazing return on the investment of just a few hours.

Valancy Blackwell, Federal Way