I told the truth and got a ticket | Letters

I got a ticket, explained my case to the judge and had the fine cut in half. I was pleased with it as I told the truth under oath.

I got a ticket, explained my case to the judge and had the fine cut in half. I was pleased with it as I told the truth under oath.

Now, before I took my turn, there was a litany of people telling the judge under oath that they did not know who was driving their car. Really?

So their case got dismissed and no fine whatsoever.

Is this justice really?

It was so clear that they were all lying through their teeth.

Just tell me if you do not know who is driving your car at any time of the day and night? More so when you got a fine…

So far for being honest or a liar.

What does it tell us about the legal system?

Ginou Tapp, Federal Way