I had the freedom to get an abortion | Federal Way letter

Angie Vogt, I want to thank you for your recent article in the Federal Way Mirror (“Lincoln’s stand and King’s remorse,” Jan. 24).

Comparing a woman’s right to choose to slavery and genocide is nothing short of brilliant. I’m not sure I would have ever seen the comparison before, but since you have so clearly explained this to me and the rest of Federal Way, I now see the light.

I understand now the choices I made as a teenager make me no different than a slave owner or even Adolf Hitler. Thank you, I appreciate the understanding and compassion that you have shown for women: Women from around the world from all walks of life, women who for their own reasons have chosen to have an abortion.

I am shocked at myself for being so evil and ashamed to live in a country that allows me to have the freedom to make choices about my life and my own body. I often wonder what would have happened if I had made different choices 18 years ago. And do you know what? I have never regretted my decision to have an abortion.

No matter what I know in my heart that at that time in my life, it was the right decision for me and the child I might have had. Yes, all life is precious, but sometimes it’’s not meant to be and sometimes it’s meant to wait. My choice was never about an experiment in social engineering perfecting the human race or exterminating the unfit. It was about a young woman who had few choices. And like many women, I made a hard choice and unless someone walks in my shoes, they can never truly understand that decision.

And if the time comes and my children ever find themselves in a similar predicament, I will stand by them whatever they choose. Because it is their right, the right afforded to them through free will and through our own elected government.

A. Rogers, Federal Way